Motor Control Assessments

Overview: This is a collection of Motor Control assessments developed to be used in Sage Bionetworks' Mobile Toolbox App for researchers to conduct studies with. I developed these assessments on both native iOS and Android.

Development: Implementation of these assessments was done within the Bridge team in an agile SDLC environment. These assessments were implemented by me, with the guidance of 2 mentors.

My Responsibility: The entire library of updated Motor Control assessments including the Tremor, Kinetic Tremor, Tapping, 30 Second Walk, and Walk and Balance assessments. Unit, integration, and UI testing were also a part of development of these assessments.

Technologies Used: Kotlin, Jetpack Compose, Swift, SwiftUI.

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Overview: This is an HR website designed to be used by companies to empower and reward their employees through goal recognition. This app has many of the social media staples, but still manages to fit professionally within the workplace. This website can be found at

Development: This was developed by a group of three in a fast paced startup environment.

My Responsibility: Setting up the project initially, connecting the Frontend to the Backend, as well as the Backend to the Database, Backend to the Storage system, and Deploying the website onto Heroku.

Technologies Used: MongoDB, ExpressJS, ReactJS, NodeJS, Firebase Storage, Heroku, Javascript, CSS, HTML.

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Gradebook App 

Overview: This is a feature-rich cross-platform mobile application on iOS and Android tailored towards students looking for a centralized app to personally monitor and manage their grades, coursework, and overall academic progress.

Development: This was developed by a group of three, using the agile SDLC approach.

My Responsibility: All aspects of the UI, all additional features aside from the base function of grade tracking, and the transfer of data between the client-side code and the database.

Technologies Used: Dart, Flutter, Firebase, Firestore.

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Gomoku Game

Overview: This is a PvP game based off of connect-5, played on a traditional Japanese Go board. This is a RESTful, client-server based, desktop application that updates all information in real time. 

Development: Implemented in a team of 4, using Agile development.

My Responsibility: Full Stack contributions.

Technologies Used: Java, Jersey, Gradle.

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Fasting App

Overview: The purpose of this Android app is to serve as a tool for religious individuals to record and track any fasts they wish to complete. This app aims to encourage the act of fasting and its religious implications.

Development: Project consists of only frontend code.

My Responsibility: The whole application.

Technologies Used: Kotlin.

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Pixel  Siege

Overview: This is a desktop trajectory based shooting game.

Development: The code builds on the Pygame library, and consists of only frontend code.

My Responsibility: The whole application.

Technologies Used: Python, Pygame

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